
Hétfőtől péntekig 8:00 és 17:00 között szívesen személyesen is állunk rendelkezésére. Ezen a linken keresztül találja meg a régió kapcsolattartóit.

Wolfurti központ
+43 5574 6706-0

Az Ön kapcsolattartója

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Kép Árucikkek db Egységár Teljes ár Teljes ár kedvezményekkel

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A rendelés folytatásához kérjük jelentkezzen be, hogy láthassa az árait.

High-precision control units for the best results

Hot runner control

Meusburger offers you customised control systems for all application areas with electrical heating technology.

All hardware and software solutions are developed and produced in-house. Whether series products or customised solutions – our field engineers and our technical internal sales team will support you during project planning. In addition to a long system service life, we guarantee short lead times for a trouble-free operation and fast support from our service team.

Forrócsatorna szabályozó profiTEMP+

The profiTEMP+ hot runner controllers from Meusburger feature both space-saving design and innovative technology. Intelligent functions such as Smart Power Limitation (SPL) and MoldCheck ensure increased process reliability. Due to the clearly designed multi-touch screen, easy and intuitive operation is guaranteed.



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Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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